Happy New Year!
New Year’s Morning
Only a night from old to new;
Only a sleep from night to morn.
The new is but the old come true;
Each sunrise sees a new year born.
By Helen Hunt Jackson
A New Start
A New Year is a new start
Never doubt the feelings of your heart.
And we determine how it will be
In our own attitude you see.
We can celebrate the day
but our thoughts show us the way
Do we change or stay the same
Are we looking for fortune or fame.
Think of how you want your life to be
The new year can set you free
A time to rethink what life will bring
A time to see that life can sing.
So as this year does begin
Let your attitude be one that wins
Set your goals, take action too
And then the best will come to you.
By Catherine Pulsifer
Just For You
This New Year Poem is just for you
Be happy and live life through
Look forward to coming the days
May happiness be your way.
No matter what challenges you face
Find the good and you will find your place
Being optimistic is the way
To be successful every day!
By Kate Summers
Happy 365 Days
Happy New Year to you and your family too
May you celebrate the day and look forward to the new
May you see a year full of happiness and health
May your pockets be full and you will have your share of wealth.
Each year brings challenges that is for sure
Persist and persevere and you will endure.
For success will be found for the one who does that
At the end of the year you will deserve a good pat.
Take the time to enjoy those near to you
And always stay positive never be blue.
The important things in life are never things
It is the relationships we have and the love they bring.
Always be thankful for the blessings you have
And that includes being thankful for your Mom and Dad.
Be sure to thank God each and every day
For with God in your life you will not go astray.
Let your attitude be positive and bright
And always walk away from those who want to fight.
For life is too short for anger and jealousy
Instead live your life with zealously.
Life each day and take the time to see
How wonderful the simple things of life can be.
And always make sure you have balance in your work and play
By doing that you will enjoy 365 days.
By following these suggestion you will be glad
As a very happy new year you will have!
By Catherine Pulsifer
Minutes of Gold
“Two or three minutes - two or three hours,
what do they mean in this life of ours?
Not very much if but counted as time,
but minutes of gold and hours sublime.
If only we'll use them once in a while,
to make someone happy - make someone smile.
A minute may dry a little lad's tears,
an hour sweep aside the trouble of years.
Minutes of my time may bring to an end
hopelessness somewhere, and bring me a friend.
To One Who Feels Inferior
You were not made for failure but success;
not born for sorrow but for happiness.
Keep this in mind through all life's storms and stress.
You were not born a slave but as free as air,
in all the beauty of the world you share,
now banish fear and brush away dull care.
The heroes of the world are your true kin.
You, too, have greatness buried deep within.
Give it a chance; no fight too hard to win.
Remember this great world has need of you,
has need of the work that you can do;
and of your visions and your ideals too.
By Wilhelmina Stitch
Get Your Options Clear
A time to get your options clear
Is found with each coming new year.
You must take each day as a new opportunity
What impact will you make on your community?
Each day is a new beginning,
the chance for your life to be winning.
Turn those dreams into a realistic plan
Take steps even if it is only one action, you can!
Keep your dream traveling forward and not stuck on the tracks.
Wheels of a train only can move with energy not slack.
And, just like a train, life needs your energy
No pointed wasting it on yesterday.
Each revolution of the wheels, each revolution of your steps
Keeps the train and your life moving – completing projects.
My hope for you in the coming year is you find
Happiness, and share it with people in kind.
Use your abilities to solve problems and challenges;
Never doubt and remember that you are talented.
Hope, may you always have it when you feel down
Even though you may only want to frown.
Goals, to keep you focus on your dreams;
Allowing you to move ahead full steam.
This New Year you can solve your problems, focus on your goals, and always have hope,
Success will find you and you will no longer have to just cope!
By Catherine Pulsifer
Song for the New Year
Old Time has turned another page
Of eternity and truth;
He reads with a warning voice to age,
And whispers a lesson to youth.
A year has fled o’er heart and head
Since last the yule log burnt;
And we have a task to closely ask,
What the bosom and brain have learnt?
Oh! let us hope that our sands have run
With wisdom’s precious grains;
Oh! may we find that our hands have done
Some work of glorious pains.
Then a welcome and cheer to the merry new year,
While the holly gleams above us;
With a pardon for the foes who hate,
And a prayer for those who love us.
We may have seen some loved ones pass
To the land of hallow’d rest;
We may miss the flow of an honest brow
And the warmth of a friendly breast:
But if we nursed them while on earth,
With hearts all true and kind,
Will their spirits blame the sinless mirth
Of those true hearts left behind?
No, no! it were not well or wise
To mourn with endless pain;
There’s a better world beyond the skies,
Where the good shall meet again.
Then a welcome and cheer to the merry new year.
While the holly gleams above us;
With a pardon for the foes who hate,
And a prayer for those who love us.
Have our days rolled on serenely free
From sorrow’s dim alloy?
Do we still possess the gifts that bless
And fill our souls with joy?
Are the creatures dear still clinging near?
Do we hear loved voices come?
Do we gaze on eyes whose glances shed
A halo round our home?
Oh, if we do, let thanks be pour’d
To Him who hath spared and given,
And forget not o’er the festive board
The mercies held from heaven.
Then a welcome and cheer to the merry new year,
While the holly gleams above us;
With a pardon for the foes who hate,
And a prayer for those who love us.
By Eliza Cook

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